Friday, January 28, 2011

New Happenings

As the Spring semester gets underway, the Economics Club is preparing for some very exciting events!

First and foremost, we're getting ready to host a speaker on Friday, February 4th from noon to 1pm in Ayres 106. The speaker, Dr. Thornton-Snider, is a member of the UCLA Anderson Forecast Board and will be presenting on the Economic Forecast for California. This is a free event and we're expecting an audience of students, faculty, small business owners, economic developers, and local media.

We're also planning a more comedic event for April. Stay tuned!

If you're interested in joining the club or want to see what else we have in store for the upcoming semester, join us for pizza at Woodstocks on Tuesday, February 1st at 7pm. We'll be picking officers, planning meeting times, and eating pizza! I hope to see lots of familiar faces!

Marcy McCormick
Interim President
CSU Chico Economics Club